Global Issues Today

Global Issues Today

The United Nations has emerged as the best platform to address issues that transcend national boundaries and cannot be handled by any one country acting alone. It is the only genuinely universal global organization in the world. The United Nations has added new issues, such as AIDS, big data, and climate change, to its original aims of preserving peace, defending human rights, building the foundation for international justice, and fostering economic and social growth in the seven decades since its founding. The UN, along with its specialized agencies, is involved in a wide range of activities to improve people's lives around the world, from disaster relief to education and the advancement of women to peaceful uses of atomic energy. However, conflict resolution and peacekeeping continue to be among its most visible efforts.


  1. The UN system is essential in organizing all forms of aid in order to empower Africa to take care of itself. The UN is present on the ground supporting economic and social development as well as the promotion and preservation of human rights. This support ranges from encouraging the development of democratic institutions to the establishing of peace between warring states.
  2. The number and proportion of elderly people in the world's population are increasing, and this trend is seen in almost every nation. In the majority of nations and regions, the number of people 60 years of age or older has significantly grown in recent years, and this trend is expected to pick up speed in the ensuing decades.
  3. From 2000, the number of new HIV infections has decreased by 35% (by 58% among children), while the number of AIDS-related fatalities has decreased by 42% since its high in 2004. Since 2000, the worldwide response to HIV has prevented 30 million new HIV infections and about 8 million deaths from AIDS. The UN family has led the way in this development.
  4. 444 nuclear reactors are now producing power in more than 30 nations throughout the world, and 66 more nuclear facilities are being built. 13 nations sourced more least 25 percent of their electricity from nuclear power in 2014.
  5. The amount of data generated globally is growing dramatically. If used properly, new data sources, technology, and analytical methods can help to more effectively track the SDGs' development in a way that is both inclusive and equitable.
  6. Every society has a stake in increasing children's possibilities in life, and every kid has the right to health, education, and protection. Millions of children are yet denied a fair opportunity across the world for no other reason than the nation, gender, or circumstances of their birth.
  7. One of the most important issues of our day is climate change. The effects of climate change are unparalleled in magnitude, ranging from changing weather patterns that endanger food production to increasing sea levels that raise the likelihood of catastrophic flooding.
  8. The UN gave birth to the wave of decolonization, which altered the face of the planet. This is the first major achievement of the global organization. Decolonization led to the independence of several nations, and they all joined the UN.
  9. One of the fundamental ideas and ideals of the United Nations is democracy, which is a concept that is generally admired. Human rights may be effectively protected and realized in a democratic society.
  10. Promoting access to information and giving people the tools they need to recognize, analyze, and combat misinformation are essential components of an effective disinformation strategy. Additionally, trust must be established while enhancing media freedoms and information literacy.
  11. Multilateral disarmament and armaments control have been essential to the UN's efforts to uphold international peace and security ever since the organization's founding.
  12. The COVID-19 pandemic might raise global poverty by as much as half a billion people, or 8% of the world's population, although pre-pandemic rates have been reduced by more than half since 2000.
  13. Half of the world's population is made up of women and girls, who also have half of the world's potential. In addition to being a fundamental human right, gender equality is crucial for the creation of peaceful societies, the realization of all human potential, and sustainable development.
  14. Zero Hunger by 2030 is a Sustainable Development Goal that the world is not on course to meet. The health and socioeconomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are anticipated to cause the food security and nutritional condition of the most vulnerable population groups to significantly worsen.
  15. Since its foundation, the United Nations has taken a leading role in advancing and defending global health. The World Health Organization (WHO), whose charter went into effect on 7 April 1948, is the UN organisation that is in charge of leading that endeavour.
  16. One of the UN's main goals is to advance respect for human rights, which also serves to distinguish it as a global organisation. The Secretary-General and the UN System are tasked with assisting Member States in upholding the standards outlined in the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  17. Through its three areas of focus—international peace and security, economic and social development, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms—the UN continues to advance justice and international law.
  18. Humanity has been on the move ever since the beginning of time. More individuals than ever before are living outside of their nation of birth nowadays.
  19. The waters gave rise to life itself. 72% of the earth's surface is covered by the ocean. The seas have always been an important source of food for the species they helped create, but they have also been used for trade, commerce, exploration, and adventure since the beginning of recorded history.
  20. The major reason for founding the United Nations, whose founders experienced the devastation of two world wars, was to protect future generations from the scourge of war.
  21. The population of the globe was predicted to be over 2.6 billion people in 1950, five years after the United Nations was established. In 1987 it hit 5 billion, then 6 billion in 1999. The world's population was expected to be 7 billion people in October 2011.
  22. In 2019, there were 79.5 million displaced individuals worldwide. 26 million of them were refugees, with half of them being minors (20.4 million were under the UNHCR's mandate and 5.6 million were Palestine refugees under UNRWA's).
  23. Fresh water is essential for maintaining human health and sustaining life. Everyone on Earth has access to fresh water. However, millions of people (mostly children) die from illnesses linked to insufficient water supply, sanitation, and hygiene owing to low economics or poor infrastructure.
  24. The need to address the various issues faced by young people (such as access to education, health, employment, and gender equality) has grown more urgent than ever as youth are increasingly demanding more just, equitable, and progressive chances and solutions in their society.
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