What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

As you know that freedom is the second name of “liberty". It is usually associated with the human rights. The right which is given to the society, state or country, means ensuring their security from any kind of threats or fear like crime, war or terrorism.

So let’s discuss it in detail.!

Have you ever heard about the Four Freedom Speech?

The Four Freedom Speech is basically the four fundamental rights, which was proposed by U.S. President named Franklin D Roosevelt.  Those freedom are;

1. Freedom of expression

2. Freedom of worship

3. Freedom from work

4. Freedom from fear

According to his speech, Franklin Roosevelt said “no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation.”

Let’s move towards the importance of freedom. Freedom is important for everyone because it allows us to be independent and free to choose our own path and to do what our heart desires.

It allows us to feel emotionally, spiritually and mentally free. It gives us power to think or speak without any obstacle.

There are so many types of freedom such as;

  • Freedom of movement
  • Freedom of belief
  • Freedom of marriage
  • Freedom of education
  • Freedom from slavery and torture

Did you know that too much freedom is dangerous too?

Consider, if you are allowed somewhere to drink as much alcohol as you want.You could drink yourself to death, if you wanted to. You have the freedom to drink because it harms no one but you. So definitely, you will take the limited amount of it.

If everyone had unlimited freedom, there would be no protections. 

Especially when you don’t have e maturity, knowledge or character to wield it responsibly.

With total freedom, we could chop down trees where ever we wanted, we could go onto other people's land and take their valuables, we could potentially ruin world order.

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