Problems Of Young Generation and It's Solution

Problems Of Young Generation and It's Solution

Today, the young generation has been greatly outclassed; they do not consider themselves to be too young to be pampered and they are not supposed to be old enough to take responsibility on their own shoulders.

The main problem is the communication gap between them in their elders. The former considered themselves to be of legal age to make their own decisions regarding personal or social matters. While the latter just refuse to assign them with this duty. This causes tempers to flare up more frequently. At this phase of life, the most common problem a person faces is peer pressure. They are pressured by either dares or threats into doing what one would rather avoid. Six out of every ten such people are usually short-tempered and rude in their response. Many hesitate and taking their parent's advice in different matters, particularly in issues which according to them are very modest and thus they land up in taking out the wrong decision.

Many young people are there, who cannot even afford to go to school. They remain illiterate. Many of them face difficulties, and some have even lost limbs or lives, as a result of working in jobs designed for the elderly. People who belong to the opposing gender, caste, creed, or religion may occasionally suffer from emotional disorders as a result of racism and/or prejudice.  They have low self-esteem and are readily swayed by the opinions of others.

Seniors in high school report getting high 21% of the time and drinking alcohol 41% of the time. Our children are practically stumbling around in a drunken stupor. Due to being under the influence, immature conduct is subsequently accentuated. The list includes drunk driving, subpar grades and attendance, being antisocial and violent, and more. Schools play a significant part in this effort, therefore it makes sense to assume that these institutions of learning will provide youngsters with a secure haven as they become ready for adulthood. This is regrettably not always the case. In many cases, especially in metropolitan areas with limited incomes, classrooms can resemble a battlefield. Serious violence, not mere bullying, is what is being discussed.

Without the hardships of a low-wage job, the youth cannot graduate or even drop out of school. The jobs offered with no experience pay very little wood very little room for pay increases. Indeed, competition for a promotion can be fierce. Previously, a high school senior could graduate and go work at a nearby factory for the rest of his or her life and make a very good living. To survive, they would not necessarily need a college education. In fact, young people today will earn multiple degrees from colleges but still be unable to find jobs that pay enough to maintain a decent standard of living.

Last but not least, there are the so-called love problems, which have rapidly increased over the past few years but primarily result in people taking their own lives or becoming mentally unfit due to their unending agony. Few of them are able to handle the depression as one more facet of life's ups and downs since it overwhelms them.

Solutions to youth's problems

We should remember that the more we stay grounded and enjoy life as it is meant to also be, the better off we will be for the rest of our lives. One should always be aware of the consequences of his actions in the future. Though it is widely held that everything in our lives is predetermined. We are still accountable for our actions because God gave us the ability to think before acting. Man is said to be learning all the time. It is not that one cannot recover later in life but by then it may be too late as time can prove to be the worst opponent in fight. As a matter of fact, we should take note of our mistakes when there is still time, and if failure comes our way, we should overcome it completely.  As John Keats once said "Don't be discouraged by a failure. It can be a positive experience. Failure is in a sense, the highway to success, in as much as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points at some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid". We all have a role to play in combating domestic violence and sexual assaults, in creating an environment for our youth that will see less offending and minimize the chances of youth getting involved in serious relationships at a young age.

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