Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Communication skills are important in today's world. They help us to interact with people around us. Communication skills can also help us to improve our work relationships and success in careers.
Communication is a life-long skill, not something you are born with. Communication is about understanding and being understood. Communication is essential to personal, professional and interpersonal relationships.

Importance of Communication Skills

  • Communication skills are important for a person’s life, as these skills help you in every stage of your life - from childhood to old age. These skills also help you succeed in various professions such as teacher, nurse and social worker; they help people in their personal relationships such as with friends, family members or partners.
  • Communication skills are essential for personal and professional lives. Communication skills are important in all aspects of life. Whether it is personal or professional. It is not only about the message someone wants to communicate but also the way it is communicated.
  • The most successful people have mastered the art of communication and they have done so because they are able to transmit meaningful messages in a clear and concise manner that can be easily understood by their audience.
  • Communication skills are essential to succeed in the workplace.
  • In today's society, interactions with other people are a necessity. It is important to be able to communicate effectively and appropriately, whether in person or online. The most successful people know how to speak, listen and write skillfully.
  • Communication skills are vital in our everyday lives. We need social skills to have healthy relationships, and communication skills to effectively communicate our needs with other people. Communication is also a fundamental skill for our careers as it helps us learn new information faster.

Types of Communication Skills

There are many types of communication skills. The most common ones include;  Verbal Communication Skills, Non-Verbal Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Body Language and Emotional Intelligence.
Types of Communication Skills:
a) Verbal Skills
b) Written Communication skills
c) Nonverbal Communication

Verbal Skills

Verbal communication plays an important role in the life of an individual. It is through verbal communication that we are able to find out about the views and opinions of all those around us. Verbal communication also helps us as we try and make sense of the complex world around us by making it simpler and easier to understand.

Written Communication Skills

Communication can also be enhanced through appropriate gestures, facial expressions and eye contact. These skills are necessary for creating a productive work atmosphere in any environment where people interact with one another on a regular basis.
When listening to someone there are two important principles to keep in mind: active listening and paraphrasing what you hear the speaker tell you. Active listening involves asking questions about the speaker’s statement to confirm understanding and paraphrasing means summarizing what you heard from the speaker's perspective. This ensures that both parties have been clearly understood within a constructive atmosphere of dialogue without interruption or barriers between them.


Non-verbal communication is a skill that we use every day without even knowing it. People communicate their thoughts through facial expressions, gestures and clothing each day.

How to Improve Communication Skills

  • Improving your communication skills may be hard but it’s worth the effort. Communication skills are an essential part of the manner in which we communicate with others. They allow us to express ourselves and convey what we mean or have to say in a way that will be understood by the recipient. It is imperative that communication skills are not only enhanced, but also developed and improved so as to make our interactions with others more effective.
  • In order to improve your communication skills, you should practice them by taking up a course or enrolling in a summer camp that offers training on how to become better at communicating effectively with others.
  • Effective communication is essential in a variety of industries. There are many different skills that are associated with effective communication. For instance, verbal and written communication, as well as listening skills. Effective verbal and written communication is imperative to success in any field, especially the business world.
A person needs to be well aware of this type of communication to become good at mimicking these signs or gestures with the same feeling that they were intended for. A group of people can also use this type of communication by making themselves appear larger than they actually are if they want to make a person feel threatened or small if they want them to back off from an argument for example (adrenaline actually makes you look bigger).

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