World's Major Religions

World's Major Religions

There are roughly 4200 religions worldwide and depending on your definition of religion this number can be less or more.

World's Major Religions (From Oldest To Newest)


Islam is the only oldest religion, which started when the first human (Hazrat Adam A.S) was sent to the Universe from Jannah with his wife (Bibi Hawa R.A). The meaning of the word "Islam" is peace. Muslims worship only one God, Who in Arabic is known as Allah. Islam is considered to be the second largest religion with 1.9 billion followers.

Hinduism (3000 BC)

In simple terms, Hinduism is the main religion of India, which includes the worship of many Gods and the belief that after you die you return to life in a different form. With a history of almost 5000 years, Hinduism is considered to be the oldest religion in human history. It is also the third largest religion on earth with 1.3 billion followers

Jainism (527 BC)

An ancient Indian religion, that was founded in the 6th century BC. Jainism teaches that the path to enlightenment is thrown on violence and reducing harm to living things as much as possible. Like Hindus and Buddhists, Jains believe in reincarnation or the cycle of birth death and rebirth. Today, there are 6 million followers of Jainism in the world.

Buddhism (520 BC)

A religion of eastern and Central Asia based on the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha. Late in the 6th century BC, Buddhism was established. It mainly focuses on the human suffering and the way we can accept it and how to free our souls from this suffering. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion on earth with more than 500 million followers.

Judaism (500 BC)

Judaism is considered to be one of the oldest monotheistic religions and the first of the Abrahamic faiths. Modern Judaism evolved from ancient Israelites religion around 500 BC and it is mainly based on the teaching of Moses. Today, there are almost 16 million Jews in the world.

Christianity (30 AD)

An Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe to be the son of God, the savior of humanity and the path to salvation. Christianity was founded in the first century AD and it is considered to be the largest religion on earth with about 2.5 billion followers.

Daoism (142 AD)

A religion and a philosophy from ancient China, which emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao. In Daoism, the Dao is the source pattern and substance of everything that exists. Today, there are about 20 million followers of Daoism.

Shinto (600 AD)

Literally, the way of the Gods. A religion which originated in Japan. Shinto believes in the Kami a divine power that can be found in all things. Today, there are almost 87 million followers of Shintoism in Japan.


A monotheistic religion founded in Punjab of India in the 15th century by Guru Nanak. Sikhs believe that God is one and that He is a spiritual power. Like Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, Sikhs also believe in reincarnation after death. Today, there are about 30 million followers of Sikhism in the world.

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