In general, algae are a very diverse group of organisms. They
span from single-celled planktonic small organisms, you have to use a
microscope to see to large ocean kelps that can be 300 feet long.
How would we define Algae?
The definition of algae is quite a broad term. In general, "it means organisms with no true roots, stems, or leaves and organisms that are mostly photoautotrophic".
This means they acquire their energy from the sun through use of photosynthetic pigments.
Now, chlorophyll A is a common photo
synthetic pigment, this
appears green in color. It reflects green, that's what we see a lot in leaves
and in grass around. However, there's many other pigments that could appear red
or brown or orange that other types of algae have and this can be diagnostic in
identifying them.
Hoe many types are there?
So, there are over 30,000 species of described algae. Algae
that are known to humans but in theory there could be hundreds of thousands or
millions of yet undescribed types of algae and these span many different
kingdoms of classification.
However, there are algae that are bacteria, the photosynthetic cyanobacteria are actually in the kingdom bacteria.
Are they good or bad?
Some types of algae are good for a system. They're healthy, they move up the food chain. Invertebrates like to eat them and then they can move up the food chain and grow big bass. For example, these algae can also produce oxygen during the day during sunlight through the photosynthesis process.
However, there are some types of algae that are not good to have, they're
not easily eaten, big thick mats or scums that don't move up the food chain. Some
algae can also produce toxins.